How do I find out whether the nominal pressure on the pressure regulator and gas equipment match?
The nominal pressure must be indicated on the type label of the pressure regulator/pressure reducer as well as on the type label of the gas equipment. The system will only work properly if the two numbers and units correspond.
It often happens that the customer purchases a new gas barbecue, radiant heater, outdoor heater or LPG-operated refrigerator for caravans and does not note that the nominal outlet pressure of the pressure regulator must match the nominal pressure of the gas equipment.
30 vs. 50 mbar
Our customers report, for example, that their gas barbecue will emit a risky high flame nearly all the time, even if they reduce the gas supply on the barbecue. This can be a sign that the gas equipment designed for 30 millibar (abbreviation unit: mbar) is operated with a 50 millibar pressure regulator.
Check the type label for the nominal pressure
Please make sure that the pressures specified on the respective type label match before you purchase the gas equipment or the pressure regulator. According to the regulation, the standard nominal pressure in Germany is 50 millibar – except for leisure (caravan) and water crafts (boat, sailing boat). The gas equipment manufacturers, who manufacture specifically for the German market or even manufacture in Germany, design their appliances to meet this regulation.
The outlet pressure of the pressure regulator can be found on the type label. Here is an example of a pressure regulator for caravans and motor caravans with an outlet pressure of 30 millibar (corresponds to: pd=30mbar).
Request from the manufacturer
It can become even more complicated if you import gas equipment from a country in which different standards apply. For example, a large number of gas barbecues produced for the USA work with 30 millibar. Of course, there are also pressure regulators for 30 or 29 millibar. These are not suitable for use in Germany, however, because the applicable policy only recognises a working pressure of 50 millibar.
Manufacturer helps
So, what can you do? Throw out the new gas equipment or pressure regulator and replace it with a suitable alternative? This isn’t really a serious option. In these cases, please contact the manufacturer. There, you will learn how to convert the gas equipment (or have the gas equipment converted by someone else) safely and to make it suitable for the German market.