Where can I find operating manuals for GOK products?
Before: We deliver a printed version of the assembly and operating manual together with the product. If you have misplaced these, there is a quick solution.
You will find all assembly and operating manuals of our products in the Download Centre. Simply enter the part number or product name in the search field on our website. Afterwards, all relevant instructions will be displayed.
In addition, you can also find all assembly and operating manuals directly at the respective product. It doesn’t matter whether you find the product via the search function or by navigating to the product. Because the instructions are always pinned there.
Scroll down on the screen until you get to the product details shown below. Then click on the icon marked by the red arrow (see image).
All the individual language versions of the operating manual are not always available for download. If you do not find the language you require on our website, it may still be the case that we have the right guide. Please contact us in such cases.