How many kilowatt hours correspond to a kilogram of LPG (propane)?
The conversion from one kilogram of LPG (propane) to kilowatt hours (kWh) is important for selecting the best pressure regulator, for example. We can show you how the conversion works, and offer you our conversion tool as a service.
The nominal power of GOK pressure regulators is stated in the unit kilograms per hour (kg/h). However, the required consumption of the connected consumer equipment is stated in kilowatts (kW).
The logical question that arises is, how many kilowatt hours are equivalent to one kilogram of LPG (propane). The answer: 12.87 kilowatt hours per kilogram.
You want to operate a piece of consumer equipment which has a nominal power of 18 kilowatts, for example. You can calculate the maximum output in kilograms of LPG (propane) per hour the pressure regulator must have using the following formula:
18 kW / 12,87 kWh/kg = 1,40 kg/h
Calculation tool
Withdrawal output and heating value
A large number of GOK pressure regulators work with a maximum nominal power of 1.5 kilograms per hour. Theoretically, this means that with this kind of pressure regulator, a piece of consumer equipment with nominal power of up to approx. 19 kilowatts can be operated.
However, please note the withdrawal output from LPG cylinders and LPG tanks:
Good to know
The heating value of a standard cubic metre of LPG is approx. 26 kilowatt hours and is therefore 2.6 times greater than natural gas.